Alita collaboration with Taman Nasional Bali Barat
October 28th, 2021: Alita Praya Mitra signed a collaboration agreement with
Taman Nasional Bali Barat about the construction of fiber-optic wired network
communication in a special zone of Taman Nasional Bali Barat, Buleleng, Bali.
signing process of the agreement attend by the Head of the West Bali National
Park Center, Directorate General of Conservation of Natural Resources and
Ecosystems at the Ministry of Environment, Agus Ngurah Krisna, and the
President Director of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Teguh Prasetya, today.
Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) is one of the nature conservation areas in Bali,
which has the last original habitat for the Bali Curik priority animal
(Leucopsar rothschildi). TNBB, with an area of 86.649,84ha, is a part of the Hutan Bali Barat group.
Director of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Teguh Prasetya, said that the goal of this collaboration
was to guarantee the realization of biodiversity conservation, integrity, and
support for strengthening functions to maximize the effectiveness of the
implementation of TNBB. We implemented the Internet of Things thermal terminal
solutions and CCTV with monitoring and analytical systems, assisting technology
consultants and minimizing direct and indirect impacts. Directly due to the
operational and maintenance activities of the fiber optic cable network that
traverses the area.
construction of a fiber optic cable network takes an important part in the
development and improvement of infrastructure network providing services to
provide quality internet access for the people of Bali island and part of the
5G network provision program,” said Prasetya.
Head of
the West Bali National Park Center,Directorate General of Conservation of
Natural Resources and Ecosystems at the Ministry of Environment, Agus Ngurah
Krisna, added that the scope of this collaboration includes the construction,
operation, and maintenance of fiber optic cable networks, improving the quality
of development and promotion of natural tourism, supporting facilities and
infrastructure. Management infrastructure, as well as monitoring and
collaboration lasts for ten years and can be extended as needed,” he said.
currently has more than 1,300km of fiber optic cable on Bali island and
provides services in a fiber access network, managed service, active network,
smart pole, and site access termination.
Alita Praya Mitra has pocketed three international standards through ISO
certification: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 27001:2013.
9001:2015 is a certification that is oriented towards customer service and
quality management standards. ISO 45001:2018 is an international standard that
provides direction for implementing occupational health & safety management
systems. ISO 27001:2013 is an international standard for implementing
information security management systems.
Alita Praya Mitra is a private company with more than 26 years of experience in
information and communication technology, providing comprehensive ICT solutions
and services. Alita’s business services include service providers (system
integrators and managed services), network solutions, fiber solutions, and
smart solutions. Alita’s fiber-optic network reaches more than 8000km for
broadband access, dark fiber, and active networks.
We are
a leader in smart solutions with the innovative Alita platform based on IoT and
other 4.0 technologies.