Alita - XL Axiata collaboration launches “XL Axiata Akses Sehat” solution.

Support the government to implement electronic medical records (RME) in the health sector.Alita - XL Axiata collaboration launches “XL Axiata Akses Sehat” solution.JAKARTA, MARCH 10, 2024 - The Ministry of Health of

Alita and PLN Icon Plus Collaborate to Deploy Telecommunication Infrastructure

PRESS RELEASEAlita dan PLN Icon Plus Collaborate to Deploy Telecommunication InfrastructureBARCELONA, 26 February 2024: Alita Praya Mitra (Alita) and Indonesia Comnets Plus (PLN Icon Plus) announce collaboration in

One Employee, One Tree: Alita Sustainability Initiative

President Director of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Teguh Prasetya (right), accompanied by the Head of Corporate Services of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Bambang Andjar Prasetyono (left) started the formation of the first tree with

Alita Received Best Fiber Access Solution Provider

Jakarta, July 29, 2022: PT Alita Praya Mitra received The Best Fiber Access Solutions Provider Award. An appreciation for the company's commitment to providing digital infrastructure to support the development of

Alita, First Indonesia Open RAN System Integrator

JAKARTA, 14 July 2022: Collaboration in technology infrastructure development in accelerating digital transformation is necessary to improve efficiency and performance.With the spirit of collaboration, Open RAN (Radio

On the 27th anniversary - Alita launched work from anywhere (WFA)

JAKARTA, June 16th, 2022: Celebrating its 27th anniversary, Alita launched work from Anywhere (WFA) for employees as a transformation step toward the first fully digital corporation in Indonesia.President

Alita collaborates with universities to support the Kampus Merdeka program

Bandung, January 19th, 2022: Alita Praya Mitra collaborates with the Bandung National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) and ARS University to develop human resource expertise in information technology and

Alita and Mitratel Increase Fixed Broadband Penetration in Indonesia

President Director of PT Alita Praya Mitra (Alita), TeguhPrasetya (right) with President Director of PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk (Mitratel), TheodorusArdiHartoko (left) signed a cooperation agreement related to

Alita collaboration with Taman Nasional Bali Barat

Bali, October 28th, 2021: Alita Praya Mitra signed a collaboration agreement with Taman Nasional Bali Barat about the construction of fiber-optic wired network communication in a special zone of Taman Nasional Bali

Alita Received ISO 27001 for Information Security

JAKARTA, August 12th, 2021: Provider company Alita's information and communication technology solutions are ready to implement international standards in information security after successfully obtaining Information