One Employee, One Tree: Alita Sustainability Initiative
President Director of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Teguh Prasetya (right), accompanied by the Head of Corporate Services of PT Alita Praya Mitra, Bambang Andjar Prasetyono (left) started the formation of the first tree with the theme "One Employee, One Tree: Be the Inspiration, Green Environment Improvement is Our's Responsibility" initiated in the framework of celebrating Alita's 28th birthday as a local company in the field of information technology and telecommunications that continues to carry out sustainability initiatives in protecting the environment in Jakarta, today (June 15, 2023).
Alita continues to carry out various initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, starting from the policy of bringing your own eating and drinking utensils to reduce plastic waste, the policy of working from anywhere that can reduce electricity consumption, and implementing digital workflow policies to reduce paper use, as well as the movement to plant one tree one by one employee, carried out by more than 600 Alita employees until December 15, 2023.